Probate Law and Estate Planning

Probate Law and Estate Planning – When you need help with probate law and estate planning turn to Howe Legal

1. Probate of Estates — When a loved one passes away owning property solely in their name a probate must be filed with the appropriate probate court.

2. Estate planning — Estate planning is key to preservation of assets for the next generation. This includes the drafting of Wills, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Proxies and Trusts which are critical legal documents to control your physical and financial destiny

3. Guardianships and Conservatorships — The filing of said actions will ensure the protection of the rights and dignity of incapacitated elders and the care for same when they are no longer able to do so for themselves.

4. Medicaid Applications and Appeals — Preparation and filing of applications for MassHealth benefits and in the event that an application has been submitted and benefits denied, representation in the appeal process

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